Universität Bonn

Center for Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces (ZFL)


ZFL contributes to teaching geomatics at the Department of Geography of the University of Bonn. Besides the Remote Sensing Research Group (RSRG), it collaborates with the Center for Development Research (ZEF) of the University of Bonn and regularly offers applied GIS and Remote Sensing courses to its PhD students (e.g., a yearly introductory course to Remote Sensing and GIS).

Training and teaching are also part of different ZFL capacity building focused projects, which results in the conduction of virtual and in-person training sessions and development of training materials, often in collaboration with other partners, including international institutions like UN.

ZFL Colloquia

ZFL offers regular presentations by invited speakers about current remote sensing research.

Prof. Shunichi Koshimura (International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University, Japan)
Enhancing Earth Observation and Modeling for Tsunami Disaster Response and Management

Prof. Ribana Roscher (Junior Professor for Remote Sensing at IGG, Dept. for Geodesy, Bonn University)
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning for Remote Sensing

Dr. Corinne Frey (DLR)
Processing of AVHRR Data over Europe and North-Africa in the TIMELINE Project

Prof. Dr. Gilberto Camara (University of Münster)
Land Change In Brazilian Amazonia: A Case Study On Nature-Society Interaction

Pavel Propastin (Department of Cartography, GIS & Remote Sensing, Georg-August-University Göttingen)
Land degradation and rehabilitation in Kazakhstan: evaluations and controversies

Andrew Skidmore (ITC of the University of Twente, Wageningen University)
Hyper remote sensing: recent results with hyperspectral and hypertemporal imagery

Hermann Kaufmann (Remote Sensing Dept., GFZ, German Research Centre Potsdam)
Die Zukunft der optischen Fernerkundung - Abbildende Spektroskopie

Allan A. Nielsen (TU Denmark / Danish National Space Center)
Kernel Methods in Change Detection Based on Generalised Multivariate Difference Images

Tobias Hank (Dept. of Geography, Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Munich)
Akquise, Aufbereitung und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten hyperspektraler Fernerkundungsdaten am Beispiel der AVIS-Sensorenfamilie

Michael Schaepman (CGI/ESG, Wageningen Univ. and Research Center, Netherlands)
Quantitative Remote Sensing - Assessing the Plant (Non-)Pigmente System from Space

Natascha Oppelt (Dept. of Geography, Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Munich)
Hyperspektrale, multi-angulare Fernerkundung zur Ableitung von pflanzenphysiologischen Parametern

Andreas Brenner (FGAN, Wachtberg)
Hochauflösende Radarbildgebung urbaner Szenen mit dem flugzeuggetragenen X-Band-Sensor PAMIR

Henning Skriver (Technical University of Denmark, Danish National Space Center)
Polarimetric SAR Used for Land Cover Mapping and Change Detection

Dar Robert (University of California, Santa Barbara)
New Trends in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in Natural and Anthropogenic Landscapes

Allan A. Nielsen (TU Denmark / Danish National Space Center)
The Regularized Iteratively Reweighted MAD Method for Change Detection in Multi- and Hyperspectral Data

Peter Verburg (Landscape Centre, Wageningen University, Netherlands)
Scenario-based Simulation of Land Use Change: Spatial Models as Discussion Support System

Uwe Rascher (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Raum-zeitliche Musterbildung der Photosynthese vom Blatt zum Ökosystem. Wie können Fernerkundungsverfahren zum Verständnis von pflanzenvermittelten Austauschprozessen beitragen?

Benjamin Kötz (Remote Sensing Lab, Zurich, Switzerland)
Forest Parameter Estimation Based on 3-D Radiative Transfer Modeling

Michael Schmidt (CSIRO, Canberra, Australia)
Recent Advances in AVHRR Data Processing and Availability - an Australian Perspective

Stefan Hawlitschka (FGAN, Wachtberg)
Image interpretation in Radar Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces

Axel Thomas (Dept. of Geography, Univ. Mainz)
Erfahrungen und Konzepte einer GIS- und Fernerkundungs-gestützten agrarökonomischen Evaluierung der Provinz Yunnan, SW-China

Joachim Hill (Dept. of Geography, Univ. Trier)
Land Degradation and Desertification Processes in Mediterranean Regions

Rudi Goossens (Dept. of Geography, Univ. Gent, Belgium)
Historic Background, Current Status and Future Trends in 3D-Remote Sensing

Kurt P. Günther (DLR-DFD, Wessling)
MODIS, ein neuer Fernerkundungssensor für die Umweltbeobachtung

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